Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm older and out of shape. Can I start playing a competitive sport?

I'm 26.5 years old. I'm 6' and am quite overweight at 250lbs (there's not that much muscle there).

I've always wished that I'd taken sports more seriously when I was younger. Played little league for 2 years when I was about 9 and 10, and will every now and then play some softball with some friends. Have been playing basketball with friends since I was young. I love football but have never really played it too much, except for some two hand touch, sporadically through the years. I feel that I can sprint pretty fast for a heavy guy (I like to race my dog from the mailbox).

So those are the details/interests/"qualifications".

What are my chances for playing a team sport on any competitive level? Is it too late? I've still got a few years until I've graduated college, is there still a chance to get on a team?

What are your experiences and/or suggestions?


I'm older and out of shape. Can I start playing a competitive sport?sports tickets

College sports are way too competetive for that these days, but you could certainly play on a city league team. These guys are very serious about their sport. You would need to first have to get a physical, even tough you're still young, and then work out for a few months while keeping a strict diet regimen.

I'm older and out of shape. Can I start playing a competitive sport?concert tickets ,nba teams

One of my bf`s older friends says it is easier to get yourself in shape at his age cuz the body isn`t tring to devope anymore.
please don't consider yourself to be "older"! I am 27 and 6 months pregnant and I can't wait to be in shape again! I just hiked 4 miles yesterday and it just about did me in - 6 months ago I could have hiked all day! I garuntee if you worked off some of that chub by just walking and bike riding for an hour a day and ate healthy food for about a year, you would be in perfect shape to join about any team you wanted to join.

My dad didn't start being healthy till he was 55, and the sport he has always been into was softball... so even unhealthy people can do softball. It is a lot of fun. Maybe you should try that to begin with?

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